Kiss Me Kate (9b).jpg




The second 24 Hour Musical Project was held on 8-9 April 2017.


8 April    6pm

"Kiss Me Kate" is announced, the cast throw aside their Guys and Dolls tracks and everyone rushes off to brush up their Shakespeare. Our musicians start on the complex jazz score, the dancers start stretching and the crew are introduced to the revolving proscenium set. Will it be comedy or tradegy?


here we go again...

Rehearsals continue with more music, choreography and blocking. The orchestra finish their first read and head home for a good night's sleep (lucky ducks!). The crew finish putting the set together, setting up backstage areas and start rehearsing scene changes.

The next morning the sunrise is coupled with the renewing smell of bacon, the orchestra returns and the morning is filled with final rehearsals. The tech run after lunch is the one chance to run the show before the audience arrives!


9 April   6pm

Almost on time we begin with Another Opening of Another Show, "Kiss Me Kate"

The dancing was AMAZING, the characters intriguing and even the Shakespearean dialogue was on the mark. The orchestra soared, even as the spinning set moved past their chairs so close the strings had to duck out of its way. The only complaint we received was that it was too good! And so we will endeavour to include numerous hilarious errors next year.