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The third 24 Hour Musical Project was held on 7-8 April 2018.


7 April    5pm

Through the amazing medium of video "The Witches of Eastwick" is announced, packs are opened and casting revealed. Cast went straight into music rehearsals, musicians started their first read of the complex score, crew set the stage and costume fittings begin!


by the light of the moon...

Rehearsals continue with more music, choreography and blocking. The orchestra finish their first read and head home for a good night's sleep (lucky ducks!). The crew finish putting the set together, setting up backstage areas and start rehearsing scene changes.

The next morning Sunrise Yoga stretched out the rigours of the long night accompanied by the sizzle of bacon on the BBQ, the orchestra returns and the morning is filled with final rehearsals. The tech run after lunch is the one chance to run the show before the audience arrives!


8 April   5pm

The curtain rises on the wholesome town of Eastwick and our witches begin their journey.

An energetic company battled on through the two acts with much hip-thrusting and laundry waving. A sign burst into flame (on purpose!) and we all made it to the end in once piece; except possibly Darryl Van Horne who had a dramatic fall through a stained-glass window in the finale (also on purpose!)